People, Process and Technology
These are the 3 components you must optimize to create a high performing organization.

First, let's take a look at well-oiled Processes...
Every thriving business streamlines key operations to make or save the most money. I can optimize and automate your processes, so your business starts to run itself.
I can identify the processes in your business that are most critical for increasing revenue and then improve or automate them using cloud technologies and process improvement strategies. I can help you automate sales and marketing processes that reliably feed funnels and drive sales, put your accounts receivable system on auto-pilot, and modernize your production and delivery systems.
I can severely reduce operational costs by upgrading your manual processes to use digital and online versions, such as your HR/hiring process, corporate training library, service desk and support, project management office (PMO), vendor selection, and many other process improvement initiatives.
I offer best-practice assessments to measure the maturity and effectiveness of your organization within people/process/technology areas, providing for in-depth planning and a more structured strategy for limiting risk. These assessments provide real numerical results that may be used to incentivize employees towards bonuses and raises and may be exposed through dashboards and portals.
Here's a look at cutting-edge Technology possibilities...
Every forward-thinking business evolves with technology to stay competitive. I can implement the best technologies for your business in order to reach a whole new level of performance.

I have low-cost, innovative ways of transforming your physical workplace into a digital workplace environment where an unlimited number of employees can collaborate remotely and instantly access (from a single entry point) all of the information and applications required to perform their jobs effectively.
I can implement inexpensive cloud applications to drive & automate every function of your business, including the implementation of your digital office suite (Google Apps for Work or Microsoft Office 365), video streaming solutions (both live and recorded), and enterprise chat (Slack). I can pull all of these together by engineering the perfect intranet based on Google Apps and WordPress--see TinyIntranet.
I can manage all of your cloud and website technologies as your remote administrator, offering a fully-managed service that includes Web Master (website security, availability, performance, backup), Cloud Master (SaaS/PaaS/IaaS/VPS), and Web Developer (WordPress/Joomla/LAMP).

And, happy People are the foundation for effectiveness...
Every high-performing business is driven by a highly-engaged workforce. Together, we can optimize the performance and productivity of yours.
I can help you tap into the power and energy of your employees instead of having to use so much of your own energy to drive performance. I will help you maximize your investment in human capital by ensuring that employee efforts are channeled into accomplishing your organization’s mission and goals.
I can help you stay competitive in the new economy by leveraging a fully motivated and empowered workforce where each employee feels a burning desire to succeed and create value because of your expert ability to create an intrapreneurial environment where they are becoming leaders themselves.
I will help you navigate the most crucial conversations and confrontations, broker your critical hires and fires, and facilitate group councils and discussions to facilitate staff alignment. I will remove these time-intensive and energy-draining interactions from your schedule, and help reduce turnover so you don't have to hire and train so many new people.
I will help you outsource non-core competencies to save money, implement resource management tools to maximize staff availability, and implement collaboration and training tools that enable your teams to work together more quickly and intelligently in accomplishing goals.
"The best leaders see success as a shared endeavor. Sometimes a 2nd pair of eyes, alternative ideas, objective feedback, and cutting edge strategies can make all of the difference."
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About the Founder
Sam Roberts has been transforming organizations for 25 years, starting with his father's medical clinic that he saved from bankruptcy. He has eyes to see the root causes of business issues and is expert in improving performance within every business area. He has assisted companies of every size, from startups to large companies like Sprint Corp. With degrees in technology and organizational administration, and a career in IT, operations, and project management, Sam is prepared to help you take your organization to the next level.
Sam's ability to assess the needs of my business were amazing. I had some concerns about what was happening in my practice. I met with Sam and we discussed my concerns... he then presented me with a proposal beyond what I had thought was possible.
Ryan Brown

Sam sees the bigger picture and positions himself as an invested, conscientious and responsible partner. He looks at issues from the customer's view and tailors solutions to meet customer expectations.
Norm Berlinski

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